I’m here to help you awaken your primal sexuality finding the empowerment to live a life of freedom, presence & pleasure.  

Relationships, undoubtedly, are one of the most important aspects of life. They can be a source of bliss, safety, love & passion yet there are very few resources or examples of authentic loving, thriving, supportive, sexually active power-couples to show us how to navigate these waters.

That’s where I come in, I’ve dedicated my practice to teaching couples the tools they need for a lifetime of bliss, harmony, FUN and, of course, the most epic-mind-bending sex possible! It's literally in my name, I'll help you

Bonk Better.”

My Coaching Journey

I fell hard for coaching as a CrossFit® Coach and I wanted more! After years of my friends and family coming to me for relationship advice, I enrolled in the VITA™ Institute, a uniquely advanced and in-depth coaching certification for sexuality, love & relationships.

After 650+ hours of live trainings, lectures, workshops ranging in topics from LGBTQ+, Anti-Racism, Trauma, Stress-Cycles and Emotional Responses to Pelvic Floor Anatomy and over 75 hours of supervised practicum work including a deep dive into modern neuroscience to understand how the brain works and how our nervous system reacts, responds and retains our pleasures for survival sake (major cosmic design flaw), I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned!

“Our human sexuality is the key to a world of magic, bliss, and freedom.

An underlying foundation of the VITA™ Method is the belief that sexuality is part of the whole and can be embraced as a natural and beautiful energy and expression of all humans. Because of this, we use holistic tools that take into consideration your entire sexual ecosystem, opening up a magical world that was completely unavailable before.

We also recognize that the body has an energy system and we work with energy to systematically liberate and awaken the natural state of flow within us.”

My Healing Journey

I began gently healing my own sexual trauma and abandonment from childhood by using the power of my own self-love and acceptance. Using Tantric and Taoist pleasure practices, including Jade Egg rituals, I learned to shamelessly love myself FIRST (yep, even before the hubby and kids) empowering my authentic voice and brilliance to shine. 

I returned to my primal self: a creature who loves freedom, hours of orgasmic bliss and my own delicious energy body. 

Ready to get started?

Free pleasure… from me to you!